Thursday, November 12, 2009

I have an "intended!"

I've been reminded of this blog and reprimanded for not updating more... I've been remiss in my responsibilities, I know. (I guess I like to use lots of R words too...)
Fast forward 4 months from when I wrote my last post and life is extraordinarily better!! I love that. I love my life, it's awesome. I forget that sometimes.
The big news is that I got engaged to Chris Hosch in September and we are planning a July 2010 wedding in Minnesota!! It's been up and down as far as stress goes, but hopefully we can learn from the past and reduce stress in the coming months. Things are moving along, although that's all I'm going to say for now, not wanting to jinx anything.
So here are some recent photos of us at the site of our first date, the Roseville Oval skating center in the Twin Cities. :)

The ring.

The ice was so sparkly in the sun!

Can you just see my excitement?

Chris has become quite the skater since our first date, you can see how hard he concentrates. :)

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

And to be clear, we got engaged back in September, not at the skating rink. Still excited though.